Coming Up
- 2021: “Grasping Psychopathology: On Complex and Computational Models” (JProf. Dr. Lena Kästner). Workshop: Machine Learnings meets Philosophy of Science, Tübingen, Germany
- 05.11.2020: “Mehr Autonomie durch erklärbare künstliche Intelligenzʺ [More Autonomy through Explainable Artificial Intelligence] (JProf. Dr. Eva Schmidt, Kevin Baum, and Nadine Schlicker). UX and beyond – Digitalisierung menschenzentriert gestalten. Usability in Germany conference, University of Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany.
- 05.11.2020: Panel discussion: “Ethik in der Mensch-Technik Interaktion – lohnt sich digitale Verantwortung? ʺ [Ethics in Human-Technology Interaction – Is Digital Responsibility Worth It?] (JProf. Dr. Eva Schmidt). UX and beyond – Digitalisierung menschenzentriert gestalten. Usability in Germany conference, University of Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany.
- 21.10.2020: “Causal Modelling and Computational Models” (JProf. Dr. Lena Kästner). Department of Philosophy, University of Bern, Switzerland.
Events organized by EIS
- 02.10.2019: Erklärbare Intelligente Systeme: Verstehen. Verantwortung. Vertrauen. [Explainable Intelligent Systems: Understanding. Responsibility. Trust.] (public talk and panel discussion). Saarbrücken-St. Johann city hall, Saarbrücken, Germany.
- 30.09.-02.10.2019: Issues in Explainable AI: Black Boxes, Recommendations, and Levels of Explanation (workshop). Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany.
Past talks and presentations
- 16.-30.06.2020: “A Question of Morality: Is There a Double Standard When It Comes to Algorithms?” (Prof. Dr. Cornelius König, Dr. Markus Langer, Tina Feldkamp). SIOP 2020 Virtual Conference.
- 16.-30.06.2020: “Interview Technology and AI: Effects on Applicants, Evaluators, and Adverse Impact” (Dr. Markus Langer). SIOP 2020 Virtual Conference.
- 06.-07.03.2020: ʺPragmatic Encroachment with Reasonsʺ (JProf. Dr. Eva Schmidt). Rutgers-Bochum Workshop in Philosophy. Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, United States of America.
- 05.03.2020: “Fair Algorithmic Decision-Making: Unrealizable Dream or Actual Possibility?” (Timo Speith). Colloquium session, Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics (ITWM), Kaiserslautern, Germany.
- 10.12.2019: ʺPragmatic Encroachment with Reasonsʺ (JProf. Dr. Eva Schmidt). Winter workshop of the ERC Project Competence and Success in Epistemology and Beyond, Helsinki, Finland.
- 29.11.2019: ʺVerantwortung, Vertrauen, Rechte – Über die ethische Dimension erklärbarer KIʺ [Responsibility, Trust, Rights – On the Ethical Dimensions of Explainable AI] (Kevin Baum). Conference on the Responsibility of Digitized Companies – The Ethical and Legal Consequences of the Use of Artificial Intelligence, Edmundsburg, Salzburg, Austria.
- 26.11.2019: ʺPhänomene erklären, Mechanismen entdeckenʺ [Explaining Phemonema, Discovering Mechanisms] (JProf. Dr. Lena Kästner). Departmental colloquium for philosophy, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany.
- 07.11.2019: ʺExplainable Intelligent Systems (EIS)ʺ (Prof. Holger Hermanns, JProf. Dr. Eva Schmidt, JProf. Dr. Lena Kästner, and Kevin Baum; poster and presentation as planning grant lightning talk). Kick-off symposium Artificial Intelligence and the Society of the Future by the Volkswagen Foundation, Herrenhausen Castle, Hanover, Germany.
- 06.10.2019: ʺPsychological Perspectives on the Automation in Managementʺ (Dr. Markus Langer). University of Calgary, Canada.
- 02.10.2019: ʺXAI and Psychology – Issues and Experimental Investigationsʺ (Prof. Dr. Cornelius König, Dr. Markus Langer, Nadine Schlicker). Workshop: Issues in Explainable AI – Black Boxes, Recommendations and Levels of Explanation, Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany.
- 26.09.2019: ʺExplainable Artificial Intelligence als neues Thema für die AOW Psychologieʺ (Prof. Dr. Cornelius König, JProf. Dr. Lena Kästner, Dr. Markus Langer). 11th Convention by the Panel for Professional, Organizational and Economic Psychology of the German Society for Psychology, Brunswick, Germany.
- 25.09.2019: ʺExplainability as a Non-Functional Requirementʺ (Maximilian Köhl and Timo Speith). 27th International Requirements Engineering Conference, Jeju Island, South Korea.
- 13.09.2019: ʺAnforderungen an die Erklärbarkeit maschinengestützter Entscheidungenʺ [Requirements on the Explainabilty of Machine-Aided Decisions] (Kevin Baum and Andreas Sesing). 20th Fall Academy of the German Foundation for Law and Computer Science (DSRI), Bremen, Germany.
- 13.09.2019: Symposium on the paper ʺNetwork Models and Their Variablesʺ (main author: JProf. Dr. Lena Kästner; co-authors: Assoc. Prof. Matteo Colombo, Asst. Prof. Markus Eronen, Dr. Josephine Lenssen). Explanation in Psychiatry: From Pluralism to Integration – and Back Again?, organized by the European Philosophy of Science Association, Geneva, Switzerland.
- 01.07.2019: ʺExplainable Intelligent Systems – Reasons, Causes, and Componentsʺ (JProf. Dr. Lena Kästner, JProf. Dr. Eva Schmidt and Kevin Baum; invited talk). Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
- 07.06.2019: ʺModelling Mental Disorders – Cognitive, Causal, Both or Neither?ʺ (JProf. Dr. Lena Kästner; invited talk). Modelling workshop, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
- 06.-07.06.2019: ʺPragmatic Encroachment with Reasonsʺ (JProf. Dr. Eva Schmidt). Workshop: Dimensions of Rationality – Practical Reasons for Belief and Other Attitudes, Goethe University Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
- 27.05.2019: ʺKünstliche intelligente Systeme – Vertrauen und Verstehenʺ [Artificial Intelligent Systems: Trust and Understanding] (JProf. Dr. Eva Schmidt; part of a lecture series on artifical intelligence). University of Zurich, Switzerland.
- 04.-05.04.2019: ʺStatistical Evidence and the Role of Algorithms in Criminal Justiceʺ (JProf. Dr. Eva Schmidt and Andreas Sesing). Evidence in Law and Ethics (ELE 2019), Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland.
- 29.03.2019: ʺDie Evolution der künstlichen Intelligenz – Warum wir uns einmischen können und solltenʺ [The Evolution of Artificial Intelligence – Why We Can and Should Interfere] (Dr. Markus Langer). Opening talk at the Be-In Student Congress of the Association of German Professional Psychologists, Heidelberg, Germany.
- 07.-09.03.2019: ʺArtificial Intelligence in Psychological Assessment: Why Psychology Needs to Careʺ (Dr. Markus Langer). International Convention of Psychological Science, Paris, France.
- 07.03.2019: ʺTrusting Artificial Expertsʺ (Felix Bräuer and Kevin Baum). Workshop: Epistemic Trust in the Epistemology of Expert Testimony, Friedrich-Alexander University, Erlangen, Germany.
Past public outreach presentations:
- 15.11.2019: ʺWas ist XAI, warum ist das wichtig und was hat UX damit zu tun?ʺ [What is XAI, Why Is It Important and What Has UX Got to Do with It?] (JProf. Dr. Eva Schmidt and Kevin Baum). Ergosign, Saarbrücken, Germany.
- 23.09.2019: ʺKI und Klimaschutzʺ [AI and Climate Protection] (Kevin Baum). 3rd fireside chat of the Fridays for Future group at Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany.
- 03.09.2019: ʺWarum und wie Maschinenethik und die Erklärbarkeit künstlicher Intelligenz zusammengehörenʺ [Why and How Machine Ethics and the Explainability of Artificial Intelligence Belong Together] (Kevin Baum). As a part of the Stipendiatinnen und Stipendiaten machen Programm scholarship holder seminar Autonomous Systems – Between the Poles of Human and Machine by the German Academic Scholarship Foundation, Saarbrücken, Germany.
- 25.06.2019: ʺWas ist vertrauenswürdige künstliche Intelligenz?ʺ [What is Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence] (Kevin Baum). Working Group for Technology, Innovation and Research (AG-TIF), Saarlandic Task Force on Economy, Saarbrücken, Germany.
- 24.06.2019: ʺWenn Computer Lebenserwartung vorhersagenʺ [When Computers Predict Life Expectancy] (Kevin Baum). Sankt Jakobus Hospice, Saarbrücken, Germany.
- 12.06.2019: ʺErklärbare KI – Was ist gewünscht, was notwendig, was ist möglich?ʺ [Explainable AI – What is Desired, What is Necessary, What is Possible?] (Kevin Baum). 37th Conference of the Commissaries for the Freedom of Information, Saarbrücken, Germany.
- 12.06.2019: ʺTransparenz und Erklärbarkeit algorithmischer Entscheidungssysteme – Begründung, Schwierigkeiten, Trade-Offsʺ [Transparency and Explainability of Algorithmic Decision Systems – Justification, Difficulties, Trade-Offs] (Kevin Baum). 37th Conference of the Commissaries for the Freedom of Information, Saarbrücken, Germany.
- 11.06.2019: ʺAlgorithmen in der Medizin – Ethische Aspekteʺ [Algorithms in Medicine – Ethical Aspects] (Kevin Baum). 372th Saarlandic Conference on Pain.
- 25.05.2019: ʺDimensionen der Maschinenerklärbarkeitʺ [Dimensions of Machine Explainability] (Timo Speith). Saarland University Open Day, Saarbrücken, Germany.
- 25.05.2019: ʺWie Maschinen lernenʺ [How Machines Learn] (Timo Speith; AI workshop). Saarland University Open Day, Saarbrücken, Germany.
- 25.05.2019: ʺWarum wir KI verstehen können müssenʺ [Why We Have to Be Able to Understand AI] (Kevin Baum). Saarland University Open Day, Saarbrücken, Germany.
- 21.05.2019: ʺSoll es in der Informatik eine Professionsethik geben?ʺ [Should There Be Professional Ethics in Computer Science?] (Timo Speith; invited workshop participation). Office of the Protestant Church, Hanover, Germany.
- 02.05.2019: Forum discussion ʺSaarbrücken – Digital?ʺ with the candidates for the mayoral election in Saarbrücken in 2019 (Dr. Markus Langer, Kevin Baum and Timo Speith). Saarland University campus, Saarbrücken, Germany.
- 08.04.2019: ʺKI! Aber wie? – Wie Künstliche Intelligenz gestaltet werden sollteʺ [AI! But How? – How Artificial Intelligence Should Be Designed] (Timo Speith). Lions Club Saar East, Neunkirchen/Saar, Germany.
Interdisciplinary panels
The EIS panel ”Explainable Intelligent Systems and the Trustworthiness of Artificial Experts” was accepted to and held at the following conferences:
- 9th International Conference on Information, Law and Ethics (ICIL), University of Rome Tor Vergata, July 11-13, 2019
- European Conference for Cognitive Science 2019, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, September 2-4, 2019
- 27th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Athens, September 5-8, 2019
The panel included the following papers:
- “Why Explainable AI Matters Morally” (Kevin Baum, Holger Hermanns, Timo Speith)
- “Artificial Intelligent Systems: Reasonable Trust Requires Rationalizing Explanations” (Felix Bräuer, Eva Schmidt, Ulla Wessels)
- “What Kind of Explanation Shall Artificial Experts Provide?” (Lena Kästner, Daniel Oster, Andreas Sesing)
- “How the Kind of Explanation Affects People’s Reactions to Artificial Experts” (Tina Feldkamp, Cornelius König, Markus Langer)
Peer-reviewed publications
- Glock, Hanjo, and Eva Schmidt. 2019. ʺObjectivism and Causalism about Reasons for Action.ʺ In Explanation in Action Theory and Historiography: Causal and Teleological Approaches, edited by Gunnar Schumann, 124-45. London: Routledge.
- Kästner, Lena, and Philipp Haueis. 2019. ʺDiscovering Patterns: On the Norms of Mechanistic Inquiry.ʺ In Erkenntnis.
- Köhl, Maximilian A., Dimitri Bohlender, Kevin Baum, Markus Langer, Daniel Oster, and Timo Speith. 2019. ʺExplainability as a Non-Functional Requirement.ʺ IEEEE Xplore, published online on Dec 5, 2019.
- Langer, Langer, and Cornelius J. König, and Maria Papathanasiou. 2019. “Highly-Automated Job Interviews: Applicant Reactions and the Organizational Context.” In International Journal of Selection and Assessment, pp. 217–234.
- Langer, Langer, and Cornelius J. König, and Maria Papathanasiou. 2019. “Highly-Automated Job Interviews: Acceptance Under the Influence of Stakes.” In International Journal of Selection and Assessment, pp. 217–234.
- Schmidt, Eva. 2020. “Where Reasons and Reasoning Come Apart”. In Noûs, pp. 1–20.
- Sesing, Andreas, and Kevin Baum. 2019. ʺAnforderungen an die Erklärbarkeit maschinengestützter Entscheidungen.ʺ In Die Macht der Daten und der Algorithmen: Regulierung von IT, IoT und KI, edited by Jürgen Taeger, 435-49. Oldenburg: olwir-Verlag.
Forthcoming publications
- Langer, Markus , Cornelius J. König, and Victoria Hemsing. In press. ʺIs Anybody Listening? The Impact of Automatically Evaluated Job Interviews on Impression Management and Applicant Reactions.ʺ In Journal of Managerial Psychology.
- Summer 2020: Künstliche Intelligenz [Artificial Intelligence] (Daniel Oster and Timo Speith). Saarland University. Department of Philosophy. Level: undergraduates.
- Summer 2020: Die Säulen der Welt [The Pillars of the World] (Daniel Oster and Timo Speith). A seminar on ontological grounding. Saarland University. Department of Philosophy. Level: undergraduates.
- Winter 2019/2020: Digitale Revolution [Digital Revolution] (JProf. Dr. Eva Schmidt; in collaboration with Julia Dumin). TU Dortmund. Interdisciplinary seminar Aktuelle Problemlagen [Contemporary Issues]. Level: master‘s programme for philosophy and political science.
- Winter 2019/2020: Scientific Explanations in Philosophy and Beyond (JProf. Dr. Lena Kästner). Saarland University. Interdisciplinary course with guest lectures from the fields of psychology, linguistics, computer science, and philosophy. Level: undergraduates.
- Winter 2019/2020: Einführung in die Maschinenethik und Maschinenerklärbarkeit [Introduction to Machine Ethics and Machine Explainability] (Timo Speith). Saarland University. Department of Philosophy. Level: undergraduates.
- Summer 2019: Digitale Dystopien? Philosophische Probleme einer technisierten Welt [Digital Dystopias? Philosophical Problems of a Technological World] (Timo Speith). Saarland University. Department of Philosophy. Level: undergraduates.