A comprehensive list of our activities

Coming Up

Events organized by EIS

Past talks and presentations

Past public outreach presentations:

  • 15.11.2019: ʺWas ist XAI, warum ist das wichtig und was hat UX damit zu tun?ʺ [What is XAI, Why Is It Important and What Has UX Got to Do with It?] (JProf. Dr. Eva Schmidt and Kevin Baum). Ergosign, Saarbrücken, Germany.
  • 23.09.2019: ʺKI und Klimaschutzʺ [AI and Climate Protection] (Kevin Baum). 3rd fireside chat of the Fridays for Future group at Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany.
  • 03.09.2019: ʺWarum und wie Maschinenethik und die Erklärbarkeit künstlicher Intelligenz zusammengehörenʺ [Why and How Machine Ethics and the Explainability of Artificial Intelligence Belong Together] (Kevin Baum). As a part of the Stipendiatinnen und Stipendiaten machen Programm scholarship holder seminar Autonomous Systems – Between the Poles of Human and Machine by the German Academic Scholarship Foundation, Saarbrücken, Germany.
  • 25.06.2019: ʺWas ist vertrauenswürdige künstliche Intelligenz?ʺ [What is Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence] (Kevin Baum). Working Group for Technology, Innovation and Research (AG-TIF), Saarlandic Task Force on Economy, Saarbrücken, Germany.
  • 24.06.2019: ʺWenn Computer Lebenserwartung vorhersagenʺ [When Computers Predict Life Expectancy] (Kevin Baum). Sankt Jakobus Hospice, Saarbrücken, Germany.
  • 12.06.2019: ʺErklärbare KI – Was ist gewünscht, was notwendig, was ist möglich?ʺ [Explainable AI – What is Desired, What is Necessary, What is Possible?] (Kevin Baum). 37th Conference of the Commissaries for the Freedom of Information, Saarbrücken, Germany.
  • 12.06.2019: ʺTransparenz und Erklärbarkeit algorithmischer Entscheidungssysteme – Begründung, Schwierigkeiten, Trade-Offsʺ [Transparency and Explainability of Algorithmic Decision Systems – Justification, Difficulties, Trade-Offs] (Kevin Baum). 37th Conference of the Commissaries for the Freedom of Information, Saarbrücken, Germany.
  • 11.06.2019: ʺAlgorithmen in der Medizin – Ethische Aspekteʺ [Algorithms in Medicine – Ethical Aspects] (Kevin Baum). 372th Saarlandic Conference on Pain.
  • 25.05.2019: ʺDimensionen der Maschinenerklärbarkeitʺ [Dimensions of Machine Explainability] (Timo Speith). Saarland University Open Day, Saarbrücken, Germany.
  • 25.05.2019: ʺWie Maschinen lernenʺ [How Machines Learn] (Timo Speith; AI workshop). Saarland University Open Day, Saarbrücken, Germany.
  • 25.05.2019: ʺWarum wir KI verstehen können müssenʺ [Why We Have to Be Able to Understand AI] (Kevin Baum). Saarland University Open Day, Saarbrücken, Germany.
  • 21.05.2019: ʺSoll es in der Informatik eine Professionsethik geben?ʺ [Should There Be Professional Ethics in Computer Science?] (Timo Speith; invited workshop participation). Office of the Protestant Church, Hanover, Germany.
  • 02.05.2019: Forum discussion ʺSaarbrücken – Digital?ʺ with the candidates for the mayoral election in Saarbrücken in 2019 (Dr. Markus Langer, Kevin Baum and Timo Speith). Saarland University campus, Saarbrücken, Germany.
  • 08.04.2019: ʺKI! Aber wie? – Wie Künstliche Intelligenz gestaltet werden sollteʺ [AI! But How? – How Artificial Intelligence Should Be Designed] (Timo Speith). Lions Club Saar East, Neunkirchen/Saar, Germany.

Interdisciplinary panels

The EIS panel ”Explainable Intelligent Systems and the Trustworthiness of Artificial Experts” was accepted to and held at the following conferences:

The panel included the following papers:

  • “Why Explainable AI Matters Morally” (Kevin Baum, Holger Hermanns, Timo Speith)
  • “Artificial Intelligent Systems: Reasonable Trust Requires Rationalizing Explanations” (Felix Bräuer, Eva Schmidt, Ulla Wessels)
  • “What Kind of Explanation Shall Artificial Experts Provide?” (Lena Kästner, Daniel Oster, Andreas Sesing)
  • “How the Kind of Explanation Affects People’s Reactions to Artificial Experts” (Tina Feldkamp, Cornelius König, Markus Langer)

Peer-reviewed publications

  • Glock, Hanjo, and Eva Schmidt. 2019. ʺObjectivism and Causalism about Reasons for Action.ʺ In Explanation in Action Theory and Historiography: Causal and Teleological Approaches, edited by Gunnar Schumann, 124-45. London: Routledge.
  • Kästner, Lena, and Philipp Haueis. 2019. ʺDiscovering Patterns: On the Norms of Mechanistic Inquiry.ʺ In Erkenntnis.
  • Köhl, Maximilian A., Dimitri Bohlender, Kevin Baum, Markus Langer, Daniel Oster, and Timo Speith. 2019. ʺExplainability as a Non-Functional Requirement.ʺ IEEEE Xplore, published online on Dec 5, 2019.
  • Langer, Langer, and Cornelius J. König, and Maria Papathanasiou. 2019. “Highly-Automated Job Interviews: Applicant Reactions and the Organizational Context.” In International Journal of Selection and Assessment, pp. 217–234.
  • Langer, Langer, and Cornelius J. König, and Maria Papathanasiou. 2019. “Highly-Automated Job Interviews: Acceptance Under the Influence of Stakes.” In International Journal of Selection and Assessment, pp. 217–234.
  • Schmidt, Eva. 2020. “Where Reasons and Reasoning Come Apart”. In Noûs, pp. 1–20.
  • Sesing, Andreas, and Kevin Baum. 2019. ʺAnforderungen an die Erklärbarkeit maschinengestützter Entscheidungen.ʺ In Die Macht der Daten und der Algorithmen: Regulierung von IT, IoT und KI, edited by Jürgen Taeger, 435-49. Oldenburg: olwir-Verlag.

Forthcoming publications

  • Langer, Markus , Cornelius J. König, and Victoria Hemsing. In press. ʺIs Anybody Listening? The Impact of Automatically Evaluated Job Interviews on Impression Management and Applicant Reactions.ʺ In Journal of Managerial Psychology.


  • Summer 2020: Künstliche Intelligenz [Artificial Intelligence] (Daniel Oster and Timo Speith). Saarland University. Department of Philosophy. Level: undergraduates.
  • Summer 2020: Die Säulen der Welt [The Pillars of the World] (Daniel Oster and Timo Speith). A seminar on ontological grounding. Saarland University. Department of Philosophy. Level: undergraduates.
  • Winter 2019/2020: Digitale Revolution [Digital Revolution] (JProf. Dr. Eva Schmidt; in collaboration with Julia Dumin). TU Dortmund. Interdisciplinary seminar Aktuelle Problemlagen [Contemporary Issues]. Level: master‘s programme for philosophy and political science.
  • Winter 2019/2020: Scientific Explanations in Philosophy and Beyond (JProf. Dr. Lena Kästner). Saarland University. Interdisciplinary course with guest lectures from the fields of psychology, linguistics, computer science, and philosophy. Level: undergraduates.
  • Winter 2019/2020: Einführung in die Maschinenethik und Maschinenerklärbarkeit [Introduction to Machine Ethics and Machine Explainability] (Timo Speith). Saarland University. Department of Philosophy. Level: undergraduates.
  • Summer 2019: Digitale Dystopien? Philosophische Probleme einer technisierten Welt [Digital Dystopias? Philosophical Problems of a Technological World] (Timo Speith). Saarland University. Department of Philosophy. Level: undergraduates.